Examples and XSD's

This section of the website is for you to download example files of all send and return XML documents. You can also download the corresponding XSD's from this page for the specified XML documents.

Example Files

File Description Download
InventoryCheckExample.xml This is the example XML file for the 'ValidateOrderInventory' method parameter. Download
InventoryConfirmationExample.xml This is the example XML file for the 'ValidateOrderInventory' method response. Download
OrderExampleFile.xml This is the example XML file for the 'PlaceOrders' method parameter Download
OrderConfirmationExample.xml This is the example XML file for the 'PlaceOrders' method response Download
InvoiceExample.xml This is the example XML file for the 'GetInvoices' method response Download
ShippingConfirmationExample.xml This is the example XML file for the 'GetShipmentConfirmations' method response Download
Products.xml This is the example XML file for the 'GetProducts' method response Download
Prices.xml This is the example XML file for the 'GetProductPrices' method response Download
Stock.xml This is the example XML file for the 'GetProductStock' method response Download
Users.xml This is the example XML file for the 'GetActiveUsers' method response Download
UserSessions.xml This is the example XML file for the 'GetActiveUserSessions' method response Download

XSD Files

File Description Download
InventoryRequestXSD.txt This is the XSD file for the 'ValidateOrderInventory' method parameter. Download
InventoryConfirmationXSD.txt This is the XSD file for the 'ValidateOrderInventory' method response. Download
OrderRequestXSD.txt This is the XSD file for the 'PlaceOrders' method parameter Download
OrderConfirmationXSD.txt This is the XSD file for the 'PlaceOrders' method response Download
InvoicesXSD.txt This is the XSD file for the 'GetInvoices' method response Download
ShippingConfirmationXSD.txt This is the XSD file for the 'GetShipmentConfirmations' method response Download
ProductsXSD.txt This is the XSD file for the 'GetProducts' method response Download
PricesXSD.txt This is the XSD file for the 'GetProductPrices' method response Download
StockXSD.txt This is the XSD file for the 'GetProductStock' method response Download
UsersXSD.txt This is the XSD file for the 'GetActiveUsers' method response Download
SessionsXSD.txt This is the XSD file for the 'GetActiveUserSessions' method response Download

XML-3 API Extention DLL

File Description Download
APIExtension.zip This zip file contains all of the binary dlls required to use the extension dll. Simply download, extract and add to your projects Download
DeveloperGuide.pdf This is the developer guide to using the extension dll. Download