
This section of the website is for supplying detailed information about each method within each web service. For each method you will find a detailed specification about the parameters and return values as well as the schema definitions for the XSD's that can be downloaded from this site.

Authentication Methods

  • Login

    The login method allows you to authenticate against XML-3 and be granted a service ticket. The service ticket along with your username and account number allows you to make secure requests to the other methods you have been granted access to.

    Parameter Description Type
    AccountNumber The unique account number associated with the user accessing the method String
    UserName The name of the user accessing the method String
    Password The password for the user accessing the method. Passwords are case sensitive. String

    Field Description Type Table Dataset
    IsAuthenticated A flag to indicate the ticket is authenticated. Boolean Ticket ServiceTicket
    GeneratedByUser The name of the user that logged in and generated the service ticket. String Ticket ServiceTicket
    SessionKey The unqiue key to be assigned to the SOAP authentication header Guid Ticket ServiceTicket
    Created The date the service ticket was authenticated and created Date/Time Ticket ServiceTicket
    Expiration The date and time the service key will expire. Date/Time Ticket ServiceTicket

  • GetActiveUsers

    The GetActiveUsers method allows you to download a list of all active users currently setup for you account. You can have as many users as you require and can be setup by requesting a new logon from the EDI Implementation Team.

    Field Description Type Table Dataset
    FirstName The first name for the logons contact person String Users UserCatalogue
    LastName The last name for the logons contact person String Users UserCatalogue
    UserName The logon name given to the user. String Users UserCatalogue
    AccountNumber The customer account number associated with the logon String Users UserCatalogue
    EmailAddress The contact email address for the user logon. String Users UserCatalogue
    CanLogonToXML A flag to indicate that the user can access the XML Services. Boolean Users UserCatalogue

  • GetActiveUserSessions

    The GetActiveUserSessions method allows you to download a list of all active session keys for all account logons.

    Field Description Type Table Dataset
    UserName The logon name that generated the ticket. String Sessions OpenSessions
    AccountNumber The customer account number associated with the logon String Sessions OpenSessions
    SessionTicket The associated session ticket for the active session Guid Sessions OpenSessions
    SessionStart The date and time the session ticket was generated. Datetime Sessions OpenSessions
    SessionEnd The date and time the session ticket will expire. Datetime Sessions OpenSessions

Ordering Methods

  • ValidateOrderInventory

    The ValidateOrderInventory method allows you to take a live snap shot of the stock you would like to order before you order. It will return live stock levels and pricing figures. You can use either the VIP Sku or EAN number to do the inventory check.

    Parameter Description Type
    InventoryDoc The XML document containing all products you wish to check. XML Doc

    Field Description Type Table Dataset
    LineNumber The line number of the item on your order. Integer Item Items
    VIPSku The unique VIP Product Code of the item you would like to order String Item Items
    EAN The unique EAN code of the product you would like to order (Optional) String Item Items
    QtyRequired The number of items you would like to order Integer Item Items

    Field Description Type Table Dataset
    LineNumber The line number of the item on your order. Integer Items InventoryConfirmation
    Product The unique VIP Product Code of the item you would like to order String Items InventoryConfirmation
    EAN The unique EAN code of the product you would like to order String Items InventoryConfirmation
    Description The descriptor of the product on the line String Items InventoryConfirmation
    AvailableQty The number of items available to order Integer Items InventoryConfirmation
    RequestedQty The number of items you would like to order Integer Items InventoryConfirmation
    UnitPrice The price of a single unit of the line item. Decimal Items InventoryConfirmation
    TotalPrice The total price of all items on the line. Decimal Items InventoryConfirmation
    ConfirmationMessage The message defining the status of the confirmation. String Items InventoryConfirmation

  • PlaceOrders

    The PlaceOrders method allows you to place an entire order or orders with VIP in one request. The method will give you and order confirmation in seconds letting you know the status of all items you ordered and supplying you your unique VIP order number for your records.

    Parameter Description Type
    OrderDoc The XML document containing all products you wish to order and all required header information. XML Doc

    Field Description Type Table Dataset
    AccountNumber Your unique VIP Account number. String Order Orders
    OrderNumber Your unique customer order reference. String Order Orders
    DeliveryMethod The delivery option you have chosen for shipment. String Order Orders
    ShipToName The name of the person the goods are to be delivered to String Order Orders
    ShipToAddress1 Delivery Address line. String Order Orders
    ShipToAddress2 Delivery Address line (Optional) String Order Orders
    Town Delivery Address line. String Order Orders
    City Delivery Address line. String Order Orders
    PostCode Delivery Postal Code String Order Orders
    Country The country the order is going to be delivered to. String Order Orders
    ContactName The name of the contact for this order String Order Orders
    ContactEmail The email address for the contact fo this order. String Order Orders
    FillKill Flag to enable the Fill Kill rules for your order. String(Y/N) Order Orders
    DirectShip Flag to identify that the order will be shipped direct to your end user. String(Y/N) Order Orders
    BackOrder Flag to enable the backorder rules for your order. String(Y/N) Order Orders
    OrderNumber The order number of the order the lines are related to String Items Orders
    LineNumber The original line number of the item on your order Integer Items Orders
    VIPSku The unique VIP Product Code of the item you would like to order. String Items Orders
    Quantity The number of items you would like to order of the line item. Integer Items Orders
    Price The confirmed price of the item you would like to order. Decimal Items Orders

    Field Description Type Table Dataset
    AccountNumber Your unique VIP Account number. String Order OrderConfirmation
    OrderNumber Your unique customer order reference. String Order OrderConfirmation
    DeliveryMethod The delivery option you have chosen for shipment. String Order OrderConfirmation
    ShipToName The name of the person the goods are to be delivered to String Order OrderConfirmation
    ShipToAddress1 Delivery Address line. String Order OrderConfirmation
    ShipToAddress2 Delivery Address line (Optional) String Order OrderConfirmation
    Town Delivery Address line. String Order OrderConfirmation
    City Delivery Address line. String Order OrderConfirmation
    PostCode Delivery Postal Code String Order OrderConfirmation
    Country The country the order is going to be delivered to. String Order OrderConfirmation
    ContactName The name of the contact for this order String Order OrderConfirmation
    ContactEmail The email address for the contact fo this order. String Order OrderConfirmation
    FillKill Flag to enable the Fill Kill rules for your order. String(Y/N) Order OrderConfirmation
    DirectShip Flag to identify that the order will be shipped direct to your end user. String(Y/N) Order OrderConfirmation
    BackOrder Flag to enable the backorder rules for your order. String(Y/N) Order OrderConfirmation
    VIPBasketID The unique ID of the basket your order was created with Int64 Order OrderConfirmation
    VIPOrderNumber The VIP order number assigned on confirmation String Order OrderConfirmation
    OrderTotal The total cost of the order including VAT Decimal Order OrderConfirmation
    NetTotal The total cost of the order not including VAT Decimal Order OrderConfirmation
    VatTotal The total amount of VAT applied to the order Decimal Order OrderConfirmation
    AdminCharge A charge applied to orders under a certain value. Decimal Order OrderConfirmation
    DeliveryCharge The total cost of delivery on the order. Decimal Order OrderConfirmation
    ConfirmationStatus The status of the order confirmation String Order OrderConfirmation
    ConfirmationMessage The description of the confirmation status String Order OrderConfirmation
    OrderNumber The order number of the order the lines are related to String Items OrderConfirmation
    OriginalLineNumber The original line number of the item on your order Integer Items OrderConfirmation
    LineNumber The VIP line number of the item on your order Integer Items OrderConfirmation
    VIPSku The unique VIP Product Code of the item you would like to order. String Items OrderConfirmation
    RequestedQty The number of items you would like to order of the line item. Integer Items OrderConfirmation
    ConfirmedQty The number of items that have been confirmed of the line item. Integer Items OrderConfirmation
    Price The confirmed price of the item you would like to order. Decimal Items OrderConfirmation
    Description The description of the confirmed item. String Items OrderConfirmation
    LineTotal The total cost of the line including VAT Decimal Order OrderConfirmation
    NetTotal The total cost of the line not including VAT Decimal Order OrderConfirmation
    VatTotal The total amount of VAT applied to the line Decimal Order OrderConfirmation
    BackOrderQty The number of items that have been confirmed on back order. Integer Items OrderConfirmation
    BackOrderReference The unique reference number for the items that have been confirmed on back order. String Items OrderConfirmation
    ConfirmationMessage The result message of the line confirmation String Items OrderConfirmation

  • GetShipmentConfirmations

    The GetShipmentConfirmations method is used to return all orders that have been shipped for a specified date. Shipping confirmations are best retreived between 9:30pm and 10:30pm.

    Parameter Description Type
    ShipmentDate The date the orders were shipped. DateTime

    Field Description Type Table Dataset
    AccountNo The unique VIP account number for the customer String Order ShippedOrders
    CustomerOrderNo The customer order number provided with the order when raised. String Order ShippedOrders
    VIPOrderNo The unqiue order number given to your VIP order. String Order ShippedOrders
    ShipDate The date and time order was shipped. Date/Time Order ShippedOrders
    DateRaised The date and time order was raised. Date/Time Order ShippedOrders
    DeliveryMethod The unique code for the chosen delivery option. String Order ShippedOrders
    ShipToName The name of the customer being billing for goods. String Order ShippedOrders
    ShipToAddress1 Address line String Order ShippedOrders
    ShipToAddress2 Address line String Order ShippedOrders
    ShipToAddress3 Address line String Order ShippedOrders
    ShipToAddress4 Address line String Order ShippedOrders
    ShipToPostCode Shipping Postal Code String Order ShippedOrders
    ShipToCountry Ship to Country String Order ShippedOrders
    ConsignmentTrackingNo The total value of VAT applied to the order. Integer Order ShippedOrders
    VIPOrderNo The unqiue order number given to your VIP order. String Items ShippedOrders
    LineNo The unqiue line number of the item on the order. Integer Items ShippedOrders
    VIPSku The unique VIP product code of the itemon the order. String Items ShippedOrders
    Description The description of the item on the order. String Items ShippedOrders
    OrderedQty The number of items originally ordered. Integer Items ShippedOrders
    ShippedQty The number of items that have been shipped. Integer Items ShippedOrders

  • GetInvoices

    The GetInvoices method is used to return all invoices for a specified date. VIP invoice all orders nightly that can be processed, so we recommend calling this method daily the morning after the required date.

    Parameter Description Type
    InvoiceDate The date the orders were invoiced. DateTime

    Field Description Type Table Dataset
    AccountNo The unique VIP account number for the customer String Invoice Invoices
    CustomerOrderNo The customer order number provided with the order when raised. String Invoice Invoices
    VIPOrderNo The unqiue order number given to your VIP order. String Invoice Invoices
    InvoiceNo The unique invoice number for your order String Invoice Invoices
    InvoiceDate The date and time order was invoiced. Date/Time Invoice Invoices
    DateRaised The date and time order was raised. Date/Time Invoice Invoices
    DeliveryMethod The unique code for the chosen delivery option. String Invoice Invoices
    BillingName The name of the customer being billing for goods. String Invoice Invoices
    BillingAddress1 Address line String Invoice Invoices
    BillingAddress2 Address line String Invoice Invoices
    BillingAddress3 Address line String Invoice Invoices
    BillingAddress4 Address line String Invoice Invoices
    BillingPostCode Billing Postal Code String Invoice Invoices
    BillingCountry Billing Country String Invoice Invoices
    ShipToName The name of the customer being billing for goods. String Invoice Invoices
    ShipToAddress1 Address line String Invoice Invoices
    ShipToAddress2 Address line String Invoice Invoices
    ShipToAddress3 Address line String Invoice Invoices
    ShipToAddress4 Address line String Invoice Invoices
    ShipToPostCode Shipping Postal Code String Invoice Invoices
    ShipToCountry Ship to Country String Invoice Invoices
    LinesNetTotal The total net cost of all lines on the order excluding VAT and other charges. Decimal Invoice Invoices
    ChargesNetTotal The total net cost of all delivery charges and all other charges or discounts that may have been applied on the order excluding VAT. Decimal Invoice Invoices
    VatTotal The total value of VAT applied to the order. Decimal Invoice Invoices
    InvoiceTotal The total sum of VatTotal, LineNetTotal and ChargesNetTotal. Decimal Invoice Invoices
    VIPOrderNo The unqiue order number given to your VIP order. String Items Invoices
    LineNo The unqiue line number of the item on the order. Integer Items Invoices
    LineType Type of line that is on the order. This will either be a P (Product Line), S (Service Line) and C (Comment Line) String Items Invoices
    VIPSku The unique VIP product code of the itemon the order. String Items Invoices
    Description The description of the item on the order. String Items Invoices
    OrderedQty The number of items originally ordered. Integer Items Invoices
    InvoicedQty The number of items that have been invoiced. Integer Items Invoices
    NetTotal The total of the line excluding VAT. Decimal Items Invoices
    VatTotal The total amount of VAT charged for the line Decimal Items Invoices
    LineTotal The total cost of the line including VAT Decimal Items Invoices

Product Methods

  • GetProducts

    The GetProducts method allows you to download your unique product catalogue from VIP. You will receive key product information and technical specification for each product in the catalogue.

    Field Description Type Table Dataset
    ProdID The unique integer ID assigned to the VIP SKU Integer Products ProductCatalog
    SKU The unique stock keeping unit of the VIP product. This code should be used when ordering String Products ProductCatalog
    Description The descriptor of the VIP product. String Products ProductCatalog
    Manufacturer The name of the manufacturer associated with the VIP product String Products ProductCatalog
    ManufacturersPartNumber The unique part number assigned by the manufacturer for this product. String Products ProductCatalog
    ProductGroup The VIP product group that categorises the product String Products ProductCatalog
    ProductImage The link to download the image of the VIP product. String Products ProductCatalog
    EAN The unique european article number of the VIP product String Products ProductCatalog
    ProdID The unique integer ID assigned to the VIP SKU. Integer Attributes ProductCatalog
    SKU The unique stock keeping unit of the VIP product. This code should be used when ordering String Attributes ProductCatalog
    AttributeName The name given to the specification attribute. String Attributes ProductCatalog
    AttributeValues The value assigned to the specification attribute String Attributes ProductCatalog

  • GetProductPrices

    The GetProductPrices method allows you to download all prices related to a single product.

    Field Description Type Table Dataset
    ProdID The unique integer ID assigned to the VIP SKU Integer Prices PriceList
    SKU The unique stock keeping unit of the VIP product. This code should be used when ordering String Prices PriceList
    OnOffer A flag to indicate that the item is on special offer. Boolean Prices PriceList
    PriceBreak1 A quantity at which a price changes. Integer Prices PriceList
    Discount1 The price based on the price break. Decimal Prices PriceList
    OfferDiscount1 The special offfer price based on the price break Decimal Prices PriceList
    PriceBreak2 A quantity at which a price changes. Integer Prices PriceList
    Discount2 The price based on the price break. Decimal Prices PriceList
    OfferDiscount2 The special offfer price based on the price break Decimal Prices PriceList
    PriceBreak3 A quantity at which a price changes. Integer Prices PriceList
    Discount3 The price based on the price break. Decimal Prices PriceList
    OfferDiscount3 The special offfer price based on the price break Decimal Prices PriceList
    PriceBreak4 A quantity at which a price changes. Integer Prices PriceList
    Discount4 The price based on the price break. Decimal Prices PriceList
    OfferDiscount4 The special offfer price based on the price break Decimal Prices PriceList
    PriceBreak5 A quantity at which a price changes. Integer Prices PriceList
    Discount5 The price based on the price break. Decimal Prices PriceList
    OfferDiscount5 The special offfer price based on the price break Decimal Prices PriceList

  • GetProductStock

    The GetProductStock method allows you to download stock figures for an individual product code.

    Field Description Type Table Dataset
    ProdID The unique integer ID assigned to the VIP SKU Integer Stock StockFile
    SKU The unique stock keeping unit of the VIP product. This code should be used when ordering String Stock StockFile
    AvailQty The quantity available for order. Integer Stock StockFile
    OnOrder The quantity due to be received. Integer Stock StockFile
    DueDate The date the OnOrder quantity is due to arrive String Stock StockFile
    ProductStatus The current status of the VIP product String Stock StockFile