XML3 - API DLL Documentation

The Shipments type exposes the following members.


Public methodGetShipmentDetails
Returns Shipment Details in the requested Format
Public methodSearch_ShipmentByConsignmentTrackingNo
Search Shipments which have the provided Consignment Tracking Number
Public methodSearch_ShipmentByDescription
Searches the collection of Shipment for the provided Description
Public methodSearch_ShipmentbyVIPSKU
Gets the Shipments whose Item have the provided VIPSKU
Public methodSearch_ShipmentDetail
Function to search in shipment collection
Public methodSearchShipmentBy_Country
Search Shipments for provided Country
Public methodSearchShipmentBy_CustOrderNumber
Search Shipments for provided Customer Order Number
Public methodSearchShipmentBy_DateRaised
Search Shipments for provided DateRaised
Public methodSearchShipmentBy_DeliveryMethod
Search Shipments for provided DeliveryMethod
Public methodSearchShipmentBy_PostCode
Search Shipments for provided Postcode
Public methodSearchShipmentBy_ShipDate
Search Shipments for provided ShipDate
Public methodSearchShipmentBy_ShipToName
Search Shipments for provided ShipToName
Public methodSearchShipmentBy_VIPOrderNumber
Search Shipments for provided VIP Order Number

See Also