XML3 - API DLL Documentation

The Orders type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddOrder
Function allowing the user to add a constructed order to the collection.
Public methodCreateOrder
Function enables the user to pass an xml document, that has been formatted accordingly, and have a fully constructed order object.
Public methodPlaceOrder
Place order function allows user to place all orders within the collection of orders with a single method.
Public methodRemoveOrder
Function allowing the user to remove a constructed order to the collection.
Public methodSearchOrder
A search builder that applies search criteria to the result set on every request. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByBackOrder
A search builder that applies search criteria by BackOrder to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByContactEmail
A search builder that applies search criteria by ContactEmail to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByContactName
A search builder that applies search criteria by ContactName to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByDeliveryMethod
A search builder that applies search criteria by Delivery Method to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByDirectShip
A search builder that applies search criteria by DirectShip to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByFillKill
A search builder that applies search criteria by FillKill to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByOrderNo
A search builder that applies search criteria by Order Number to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByOrderValidated
A search builder that applies search criteria by Order Validation Status to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByShipToCountry
A search builder that applies search criteria by Ship to Country to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByShipToName
A search builder that applies search criteria by Ship to Name to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByShipToPostCode
A search builder that applies search criteria by ShipToPostCode to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodValidateOrderItem
Validates the OrderItems

See Also