XML3 - API DLL Documentation

The Orders type exposes the following members.


Public methodOrders(User)
Creates an instance for Orders Class
Public methodOrders(String, Guid, String)
Creates an instance for Orders Class
Public methodOrders(String, String, String)
Creates an instance for Orders Class


Public methodAddOrder
Function allowing the user to add a constructed order to the collection.
Public methodCreateOrder
Function enables the user to pass an xml document, that has been formatted accordingly, and have a fully constructed order object.
Public methodPlaceOrder
Place order function allows user to place all orders within the collection of orders with a single method.
Public methodRemoveOrder
Function allowing the user to remove a constructed order to the collection.
Public methodSearchOrder
A search builder that applies search criteria to the result set on every request. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByBackOrder
A search builder that applies search criteria by BackOrder to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByContactEmail
A search builder that applies search criteria by ContactEmail to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByContactName
A search builder that applies search criteria by ContactName to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByDeliveryMethod
A search builder that applies search criteria by Delivery Method to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByDirectShip
A search builder that applies search criteria by DirectShip to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByFillKill
A search builder that applies search criteria by FillKill to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByOrderNo
A search builder that applies search criteria by Order Number to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByOrderValidated
A search builder that applies search criteria by Order Validation Status to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByShipToCountry
A search builder that applies search criteria by Ship to Country to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByShipToName
A search builder that applies search criteria by Ship to Name to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchOrderByShipToPostCode
A search builder that applies search criteria by ShipToPostCode to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodValidateOrderItem
Validates the OrderItems


Public propertyAccountNumber
The unique account number associated with the user accessing the method
Public propertyIsError
Flag to indicate if Error has occurred.
Public propertyOrders
Collection of Orders
Public propertyOrdersError
Error Object
Public propertyOrdersValidated
Flag to indicate if all the Orders are validated against the Inventory
Public propertySearchFields
Search Fields for the Class
Public propertyUserName
The name of the user accessing the method

See Also