XML3 - API DLL Documentation

The OrderConfirmation type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAccountNumber
Your unique VIP Account number.
Public propertyAdminCharge
A charge applied to orders under a certain value.
Public propertyBackOrder
Flag to enable the backorder rules for your order.
Public propertyCity
Delivery Address Line
Public propertyConfirmationMessage
The description of the confirmation status
Public propertyConfirmationStatus
The status of the order confirmation
Public propertyContactEmail
The email address for the contact fo this order.
Public propertyContactName
The name of the contact for this order
Public propertyCountry
The country the order is going to be delivered to.
Public propertyDeliveryCharge
The total cost of delivery on the order.
Public propertyDeliveryMethod
The delivery option you have chosen for shipment.
Public propertyDirectShip
Flag to identify that the order will be shipped direct to your end user.
Public propertyFillKill
Flag to enable the Fill Kill rules for your order.
Public propertyNetTotal
The total cost of the order not including VAT
Public propertyOrderConfirmationItems
Collection of OrderConfirmationItems
Public propertyOrderNumber
Your unique customer order reference.
Public propertyOrderTotal
The total cost of the order including VAT
Public propertyPostCode
Delivery Postal Code
Public propertyShipToAddress1
Delivery Address line.
Public propertyShipToAddress2
Delivery Address line (Optional)
Public propertyShipToName
The name of the person the goods are to be delivered to
Public propertyTown
Delivery Address Line
Public propertyVATTotal
The total amount of VAT applied to the order
Public propertyVIPBasketID
The unique ID of the basket your order was created with
Public propertyVIPOrderNumber
The VIP order number assigned on confirmation

See Also