XML3 - API DLL Documentation

The InventoryCheckItem type exposes the following members.


Public methodInventoryCheckItem(OrderItem)
Constructor that accepts an OrderItem object to build the inventory check.
Public methodInventoryCheckItem(Int32, String, String, Int32)
Constructor that accepts individual variables to build the inventory check.


Public methodICI_DataRow
Returns a datarow value of the InventoryCheckItem.


Public propertyAvailableQty
Property to Get the avaiable quantity property.
Public propertyConfirmationMessage
Property to Get the confirmation message property.
Public propertyDescripton
Property to Get the description property.
Public propertyEAN
Property to Get or Set the EAN property.
Public propertyLineNo
Property to Get or Set the Line No property.
Public propertyQtyRequired
Property to Get or Set the Quantity Required property.
Public propertyTotalPrice
Property to Get the total price property.
Public propertyUnitPrice
Property to Get the unit price property.
Public propertyVIPSKU
Property to Get or Set the VIP SKU property.

See Also