XML3 - API DLL Documentation

The Order type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAccoutNo
Public property that gets or sets the Account No for the instatiated object.
Public propertyBackOrder
Public property that gets or sets the BackOrder for the instatiated object.
Public propertyConfirmation
Property to access order confirmation for this particular order.
Public propertyContactEmail
Public property that gets or sets the ContactEmail for the instatiated object.
Public propertyContactName
Public property that gets or sets the ContactName for the instatiated object.
Public propertyDeliveryMethod
Public property that gets or sets the Delivery Method for the instatiated object.
Public propertyDirectShip
Public property that gets or sets the DirectShip for the instatiated object.
Public propertyFillKill
Public property that gets or sets the FillKill for the instatiated object.
Public propertyIsValidated
Public readonly property that gets the Validity flag for the order.
Public propertyOrderDataSet
Property to expose this object as a dataset, that conforms to the OrderRequest xml Schema.
Public propertyOrderError
Error Object
Public propertyOrderNo
Public property that gets or sets the order no for the instatiated object.
Public propertySearchFields
The readonly list of availabe fields to search on
Public propertyShipToAddress1
Public property that gets or sets the ShipToAddress1 for the instatiated object.
Public propertyShipToAddress2
Public property that gets or sets the ShipToAddress2 for the instatiated object.
Public propertyShipToAddress3
Public property that gets or sets the ShipToAddress3 for the instatiated object.
Public propertyShipToAddress4
Public property that gets or sets the ShipToAddress4 for the instatiated object.
Public propertyShipToCountry
Public property that gets or sets the ShipToCountry for the instatiated object.
Public propertyShipToName
Public property that gets or sets the ShipToName for the instatiated object.
Public propertyShipToPostCode
Public property that gets or sets the ShipToPostCode for the instatiated object.
Public propertyUser
Public property that sets the User Object for the instatiated object.

See Also