XML3 - API DLL Documentation

The Shipment type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAccountNumber
The unique VIP account number for the customer
Public propertyConsignmentTrackingNo
The total value of VAT applied to the order.
Public propertyCountry
Ship to Country
Public propertyCustOrderNumber
The customer order number provided with the order when raised.
Public propertyDateRaised
The date and time order was raised.
Public propertyDeliveryMethod
The unique code for the chosen delivery option.
Public propertyPostCode
Shipping Postal Code
Public propertyShipDate
The date and time order was shipped.
Public propertyShipmentItems
Collection of ShipmentItems
Public propertyShipToAddress1
Address line
Public propertyShipToAddress2
Address line
Public propertyShipToAddress3
Address line
Public propertyShipToAddress4
Address line
Public propertyShipToName
The name of the customer being billing for goods.
Public propertyVIPOrderNumber
The unqiue order number given to your VIP order.

See Also