XML3 - API DLL Documentation

The Products type exposes the following members.


Public methodProducts(User)
Public methodProducts(String, String, String)


Public methodClear_ProductPriceSearch
Clears the current search builder of all criteria and returns the results to the original set.
Public methodClear_ProductSearch
Clears the current search builder of all criteria and returns the results to the original set.
Public methodClear_ProductStockSearch
Clears the current search builder of all criteria and returns the results to the original set.
Public methodGetProductPrice
This routine will download your product price list and return it in the format you specify.
Public methodGetProducts
This routine will download your product list and return it in the format you specify.
Public methodGetProductStock
This routine will download your product stock list and return it in the format you specify.
Public methodSearch_ProductPriceByID
A search applies search criteria ProductID to the ProductPrice result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearch_Products
A search builder that applies search criteria to the result set on every request. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearch_ProductsByDescription
A search applies search criteria VIP SKU Description to the Products result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearch_ProductsByManufacturer
A search applies search criteria Manufacturer to the Products result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearch_ProductsByManufacturerPartNo
A search applies search criteria Manufacturers Part Number to the Products result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearch_ProductsByProdID
A search applies search criteria ProductID to the Products result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearch_ProductsByProductEAN
A search applies search criteria EAN to the Products result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearch_ProductsByProductGroup
A search applies search criteria VIP Product Group to the Products result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearch_ProductsByProductStatus
A search applies search criteria Product Status to the Products result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearch_ProductsBySKU
A search applies search criteria VIP SKU Number to the Products result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearch_ProductStockByID
A search applies search criteria ProductID to the ProductStock result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method


Public propertySearch_ProductFields
The readonly list of availabe fields to search on

See Also