XML3 - API DLL Documentation

The Invoice type exposes the following members.


Public methodClearSearch
Clears the current search builder of all criteria and returns the results to the original set.
Public methodSearchInvoice
A search builder that applies search criteria to the result set on every request. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchInvoiceByDescription
A search applies search criteria of VIP SKU Description to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchInvoiceByLineType
A search applies search criteria of Line Type to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchInvoiceByVIPOrdNo
A search applies search criteria of VIP Order Number to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method
Public methodSearchInvoiceByVIPSKU
A search applies search criteria of VIP SKU to the result set. To clear the search call "ClearSearch" Method


Public propertyAccountNo
Gets the Account Number property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyBillingAddress1
Gets the Billing Address Line 1 property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyBillingAddress2
Gets the Billing Address Line 2 property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyBillingAddress3
Gets the Billing Address Line 3 property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyBillingAddress4
Gets the Billing Address Line 4 property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyBillingCountry
Gets the Billing Address Country property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyBillingName
Gets the Billing Name property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyBillingPostCode
Gets the Billing Address Postcode property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyChargesNetTotal
Gets the Invoice Charges Net Total property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyCustomerOrderNo
Gets the Customer Order Number property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyDateRaised
Gets the Date Raised property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyDeliveryMethod
Gets the Delivery Method property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyInvoiceDate
Gets the Invoice Date property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyInvoiceItems
Exposes the collection of invoice items associated with this invoice.
Public propertyInvoiceNo
Gets the Invoice Number property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyInvoiceTotal
Gets the Invoice Total property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyLinesNetTotal
Gets the Invoice Net Total property from the instantiated object.
Public propertySearchFields
The readonly list of availabe fields to search on
Public propertyShipToAddress1
Gets the Shipping Address Line 1 property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyShipToAddress2
Gets the Shipping Address Line 2 property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyShipToAddress3
Gets the Shipping Address Line 3 property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyShipToAddress4
Gets the Shipping Address Line 4 property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyShipToCountry
Gets the Shipping Address Country property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyShipToName
Gets the Shipping Name property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyShipToPostCode
Gets the Shipping Address Postcode property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyVatTotal
Gets the Invoice VAT Total property from the instantiated object.
Public propertyVIPOrderNo
Gets the VIP Order Number property from the instantiated object.

See Also